Category: Featured

The Shambhala Prophecy

For the first time in 20 years, tears poured out of me on the yoga mat this morning. It was a mixture of emotions post-election night. I cried for the children who went to school in fear today; fear of being bullied, sexually-harassed, or… Continue Reading “The Shambhala Prophecy”

Holding Actions

I know that to some the world feels like nothing is really changing, it’s dirty politics and business as usual, and to others it feels like it is coming apart at the seams. There is a third story too, it’s called The Great Turning.… Continue Reading “Holding Actions”

Begin Again

I am resurrecting a blog that I started about seven years ago when my business, Zola Goods, was still on-line. Even then, my posts were few and far between, but this time around I hope to be more generative. However, I feel like I can’t… Continue Reading “Begin Again”